"If you want to have something you've never had before, you have to do something you've never done before."
N. P. Eseschkian
In business life, the most basic point that we need to realize from the first moment we take the role of 'Management' into our lives is that 'the perspectives we have in all areas of life are actually the basis of our behavior towards team members'. The way we look at life, this is how we look at 'Managing'.
The common conclusion from the 'loyalty' studies conducted at the international level is that 'employees actually leave their managers, not their companies' Whether you manage a team of one person or a thousand, the efficiency of your business results depends on the quality of the relationship and communication you have established with your team members. the truth…
In order to achieve the business results we want, it is not enough to apply all the competencies under the name of 'Management Skills' at the level of consciousness.
In business life, the most fundamental point that we should be aware of from the first moment we take on the role of 'Management' is that the perspectives we have in all areas of life are actually the basis of our behavior towards team members. The way we look at life, this is how we look at 'Managing'.
Creating a real and sustainable impact depends on the internalization and adoption of all these skills. In summary, a mindset that goes from 'Don't' to 'Don't be' is the most basic quality sought in today's managers.
STATES OF BEING A MANAGER, Coaching & Workshop activities, which are limited to a certain number of participants, are the first step of a process where we will experience and finalize together how we can change our life results by first creating a transformation in ourselves and then reflecting it on our team.
Becoming a Manager Program includes one-on-one coaching programs for the development of the participants on these issues, after the workshop days, which will be designed to cover the topics to be determined by the institution. The number of workshops and coaching meetings is shaped in line with the needs determined by the institutions.